About a year ago I reached out an angel  investor interested in artificial intelligence companies to ask advice. I wanted to learn  about some super tech startup he would recommend for me to interview from my Youtube Channel.

He recommended a computer vision company that, in his words, had developed a technology superior to Google Cloud Computer Vision API.


I was very curious and I reached out the founders that happen to be two brothers. One of them was the technology brain the other on was completely new to A.I. H actually was a real estate broker! ( I am telling you the A.I. moment is now)  

I interviewed them both and I realized the technology had a lot of merit! But, I was unsure on their go to market strategy.  In fact, API ( Advanced Programmable Interface) SAAS are always risky because people rent out your technology only when they have a clear view of what to do with it. 


When your technology is very new this can be challenging. There are no many visionary people around the block I was thinking!

However, we developed a relationship and about 6 months ago they decided to contribute one of the most original use cases we have in our course. 


A SAAS that actually beat Google in performances by quite a bit.What I did not know at that time is that few months after thy would also have beaten major fortune 500 competitors in securing an astounding $100M contract from the USA Airforce. 

Yes you have read it properly: $100M 


By now the company has developed a portfolio of customers in the media, banking, bio-medical and Security-Defence markets. They have hired a VP of marketing and are getting a lot of traction among enterprise customers.

I am actually helping them to configure the product for growth, and they are helping Innodemia to incorporate the new developments in interesting practical addendum to our courses.

Imagine if you had been able to learn from Google when it was in its first years of operations, or from Saleforce or other Valley successful startups?

Well you are only a click away to access our flagship course where this unique use case is discussed along with other important ones. Here is the link:


If you enroll today I will share the new insights and the new updates, including industrial IOT and additional applications in the medical field as soon as they become available. 


I can guarantee you, you won’t get this type of unique content scouted from the trenches of Silicon Valley in other courses. It takes too much work and too much risk! 

 Yet I see people wasting their money  and spending $4K, $11K to attend part time academic classes that are based on the past equation.

The equation of exchanging a brand name on a resume for $$. I did that when I got my MBA but honestly in thee insight I would spar my $$. 


 And by the way, one of our students just moved from a non A.I. position to an A.I. position within her company. Just FYI. 




Please note I have some sensational medial A.I. interview coming up, subscribe to our channel asp: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdLzbdOWbZNblom1fVb9psg/featured